Christian saints before 450 CE
Saint |
Date of death |
Aaron the Illustrious |
4th century |
Aba of Kaskhar |
366 |
Abadios |
4th century |
Abai (martyr) |
4th century |
Abāmūn of Tarnūt |
4th century |
Abanoub |
4th century |
Abassad |
4th century |
Abban the Hermit |
5th century |
Abda and Abdjesus |
4th century |
Abda of Kaskhar |
4th or 5th century |
Abdecalas |
345 |
Abdias of Babylon |
1st century |
Abdisho |
4th century |
Abdon |
3rd century |
Abercius and Helena |
1st century |
Abercius of Hieropolis |
2nd century |
Abgar V of Edessa |
1st century |
Abiatha, Hathes and Mamlacha |
4th century |
Abiathar and Sidonia |
4th century |
Abibion |
5th century |
Abibus of Edessa |
4th century |
Abibus of Samosata |
3rd century |
Abra of Poitiers |
4th century |
Abraham and his wife |
4th century |
Abraham of Arbela |
4th century |
Abraham of Armenia |
5th century |
Abraham of Clermont |
5th century |
Abraham of Cyrrhus |
422 |
Abraham of the High Mountain |
5th century |
Abraham the Great of Kidunja |
4th century |
Abraham the Poor |
4th century |
Absadah |
4th century |
Abselema of Edessa |
2nd century |
Abudimus |
4th century |
Abundius |
5th century |
Abundius and Abundantius |
4th century |
Abundius and Irenaeus |
3rd century |
Abundius of Umbria |
4th century |
Acacius |
4th century |
Acacius of Amida |
5th century |
Acacius of Caesarea |
4th century |
Acathius of Melitene |
3rd century |
Acepsimas of Hnaita |
4th century |
Achillas of Alexandria |
4th century |
Achillius of Larissa |
4th century |
Acius |
4th century |
Addai |
2nd century |
Adheritus |
2nd century |
Adrian and Natalia of Nicomedia |
4th century |
Adrian of Batanea |
4th century |
Adrian of Nicomedia |
c. 306 |
Aedesius of Alexandria |
306? |
Aelia Flaccilla |
4th century |
Aemilianus |
5th century |
Afra |
304 |
Agape (Charity or Love) |
2nd century ? |
Agape, Chionia, and Irene |
3rd century |
Agapitus of Palestrina |
3rd century |
Agapius |
4th century |
Agapius of Spain |
3rd century |
Agatha of Sicily |
251 |
Agathangelus of Rome |
4th century |
Agathius |
303 |
Agathoclia |
3rd century |
Agathonicus and Companions |
3rd century |
Agnes |
304 |
Agnes of Rome |
4th century |
Agricius of Trier |
4th century |
Agrippina of Mineo |
3rd century |
Agrippinus of Carthage |
3rd century |
Agrippinus of Naples |
3rd century |
Aignan |
5th century |
Ajabel |
4th century |
Alban |
305 |
Alban of Mainz |
406 |
Alberta of Agen |
296 |
Alexander (martyr) |
2nd century |
Alexander I |
c. 116 |
Alexander of Alexandria |
4th century |
Alexander of Bergamo |
4th century |
Alexander of Comana |
3rd century |
Alexander of Constantinople |
4th century |
Alexander of Jerusalem |
3rd century |
Alexius |
5th century |
Alexius of Rome |
4th century |
Almachius |
4th century |
Alphius (martyr) |
3rd century |
Alypius of Thagaste |
5th century |
Amabilis of Riom |
5th century |
Amantius of Como |
5th century |
Amator |
5th century |
Ambrose |
397 |
Ambrose of Alexandria |
3rd century |
Ampelus |
4th century |
Amphibalus |
4th century |
Amphilochius of Iconium |
4th century |
Ampliatus |
1st century |
Amun |
4th century |
Anacletus |
c. 88 |
Ananias of Damascus |
1st century |
Anastasia of Sirmium |
4th century |
Anastasius I |
401 |
Anastasius the Fuller |
4th century |
Andeolus |
3rd century |
Andrew |
1st century |
Andronicus of Pannonia |
1st century |
Andronicus, Probus, and Tarachus |
4th century |
Anianus of Alexandria |
1st century |
Anicetus |
c. 167 |
Anne |
1st century |
Ansanus |
4th century |
Anterus |
3rd century |
Antheros |
236 |
Anthimus of Nicomedia |
4th century |
Anthimus of Rome |
4th century |
Anthony the Great |
356 |
Antiochus of Sulcis |
2nd century |
Antipas of Pergamum |
1st century |
Antonia and Alexander |
4th century |
Anysia of Salonika |
304 |
Apelles of Heraklion |
1st century |
Aphian |
4th century |
Aphrahat |
4th century |
Aphrodisius |
1st century |
Apollinaris of Ravenna |
1st century |
Apollinaris Claudius |
2nd century |
Apollonia |
3rd century |
Apollonius the Apologist |
2nd century |
Apollos |
1st century |
Aquilina |
3rd century |
Arcadius of Mauretania |
4th century |
Archippus |
1st century |
Ariadne of Phrygia |
2nd century |
Arilda |
5th century |
Aristarchus of Thessalonica |
1st century |
Aristides the Athenian |
2nd century |
Aristobulus of Britannia |
1st century |
Arsatius |
5th century |
Arsenius the Great |
5th century |
Artemius |
4th century |
Aspren |
1st century |
Assicus |
5th century |
Asterius of Amasia |
4th century |
Astius |
2nd century |
Asyncritus of Hyrcania |
1st century |
Athanasius II of Alexandria |
5th century |
Athanasius of Alexandria |
373 |
Atticus of Constantinople |
5th century |
Attilio |
3rd century |
Augustine of Hippo |
430 |
Aurelius |
5th century |
Auspicius of Toul |
5th century |
Auspicius of Trier |
2nd century |
Austromoine |
3rd century |
Autonomus |
4th century |
Auxentius of Bithynia |
5th century |
Auxentius of Mopsuestia |
4th century |
Auxilius of Ireland |
5th century |
Avilius of Alexandria |
1st century |
Awtel |
327 |
Babylas of Antioch |
3rd century |
Bademus |
4th century |
Balbina |
2nd century |
Barbara |
3rd century |
Barba'shmin |
4th century |
Barhadbesciabas |
4th century |
Barlaam and Josaphat |
4th century |
Barnabas |
61 |
Bartholomew |
1st century |
Basil of Amasea |
4th century |
Basil of Ancyra |
4th century |
Basil the Elder |
4th century |
Basil the Great |
379 |
Basilides and Potamiana |
3rd century |
Basilides, Cyrinus, Nabor and Nazarius |
4th century |
Basilissa and Anastasia |
1st century |
Bassian |
5th century |
Baudilus |
3rd century |
Beatrix |
302 or 303 |
Beatus of Lungern |
2nd century |
Benignus of Armagh |
5th century |
Benignus of Dijon |
3rd century |
Benjamin (saint) |
5th century |
Bessus |
3rd century |
Bibiana |
4th century |
Bienheuré |
3rd century |
Birillus |
1st century |
Blaise |
c. 316 |
Blandina |
2nd century |
Boniface I |
422 |
Boniface of Tarsus |
3rd century |
Breage |
5th century |
Bretannio |
4th century |
Brice |
5th century |
Brychan |
5th century |
Caesar of Dyrrhachium |
1st century |
Caesarius of Africa |
2nd or 3rd century |
Caesarius of Nazianzus |
4th century |
Caius |
296 |
Calepodius |
3rd century |
Calimerius |
3rd century |
Callixtus I |
222 |
Calocerus |
2nd century |
Camilla |
5th century |
Candida the Elder |
1st century |
Candidus |
3rd century |
Cantius, Cantianius, and Cantianella |
4th century |
Caprasius of Agen |
4th century |
Caprasius of Lérins |
5th century |
Carpophorus, Exanthus, Cassius, Severinus, Secundus, and Licinius |
3rd century |
Carpus of Berrhoe |
1st century |
Cassian of Imola |
3rd or 4th century |
Cassian of Tangier |
3rd century |
Castor of Apt |
5th century |
Castritian |
2nd century |
Castulus |
3rd century |
Catald |
5th century |
Catervus |
4th century |
Catherine of Alexandria |
c. 305 |
Cecilia |
c. 117 |
Celadion of Alexandria |
2nd century |
Celestine I |
432 |
Cephas of Iconium |
1st century |
Cessianus |
4th century |
Charalampus |
c. 222 |
Charbel (martyr) |
2nd century |
Charitina of Amisus |
4th century |
Chiaffredo |
3rd century |
Saint Christina of Bolsena |
3rd century |
Christina of Persia |
4th century |
Christopher |
c. 251 |
Chromatius |
5th century |
Chrysanthus |
283 |
Chrysogonus |
4th century |
Chusdazat |
4th century |
Cianán |
5th century |
Clateus |
1st century |
Clement I |
c. 98 |
Clement of Alexandria |
3rd century |
Clement of Ancyra |
4th century |
Clement of Sardice |
1st century |
Cleopatra |
4th century |
Colluthus |
3rd century |
Columba of Sens |
3rd century |
Conal |
5th century |
Concordius of Spoleto |
2nd century |
Constantina |
4th century |
Constantine the Great |
337 |
Constantius (Theban Legion) |
3rd century |
Constantius of Perugia |
2nd century |
Corebus |
2nd century |
Corentin of Quimper |
5th century |
Cornelius |
253 |
Cornelius the Centurion |
1st century |
Cosmas and Damian |
303 |
Crescens |
1st century |
Crescentian |
2nd century |
Crescentinus |
4th century |
Crescentius of Rome |
4th century |
Crispin |
3rd century |
Crispina |
304 |
Crispus of Chalcedon |
1st century |
Cucuphas |
4th century |
Cyprian |
258 |
Cyprian and Justina |
4th century |
Cyriacus |
3rd or 4th century |
Cyril of Alexandria |
444 |
Cyril of Jerusalem |
386 |
Cyrion and Candidus |
4th century |
Cyrus and John |
4th century |
Dabheog |
4th century |
Dalmatius of Constantinople |
5th century |
Damasus I |
383 |
Daniel of Padua |
2nd century |
Daniel the Stylite |
5th century |
Darerca of Ireland |
5th century |
Daria |
c. 283 |
Darius |
4th century |
Dasya |
3rd century |
Dausa (bishop) |
4th century |
Defendens |
3rd century |
Demetrius of Alexandria |
232 |
Demetrius of Alexandria |
2nd or 3rd century |
Demetrius of Thessaloniki |
306 |
Demiana |
3rd or 4th century |
Denis (Denys, Dionysius) of Paris |
3rd century |
Denise, Dativa, Leontia, Tertius, Emilianus, Boniface, Majoricus, and Servus |
5th century |
Desan (bishop) |
4th century |
Devota |
4th century |
Diadochos of Photiki |
5th century |
Dichu |
5th century |
Didymus the Blind |
4th century |
Digain |
5th century |
Digna and Emerita |
3rd century |
Dingad of Llandingat |
5th century |
Diomedes |
4th century |
Dionysius |
268 |
Dionysius of Alexandria |
3rd century |
Dionysius the Areopagite |
1st or 2nd century |
Dionysius, Bishop of Corinth |
2nd century |
Dioscorus |
4th century |
Dioscorus I of Alexandria |
5th century |
Dismas |
1st century |
Domninus of Fidenza |
4th century |
Donatus of Arezzo |
4th century |
Donatus, Romulus, Secundian, and 86 Companions |
4th century |
Dorothea of Alexandria |
4th century |
Dorothea of Caesarea |
c. 311 |
Dorotheus of Tyre |
362 |
Duje |
4th century |
Dwynwen |
5th century |
Edistus |
1st century |
Elen (saint) |
4th century |
Eleuchadius |
2nd century |
Eleutherius and Antia |
2nd century |
Eleutherius |
c. 189 |
Elias and companions |
4th century |
Elias the Hermit |
4th century |
Elizabeth |
1st century |
Elpidius the Cappadocian |
4th century |
Elpis (Hope) |
2nd century ? |
Eluned |
5th century |
Emelia |
c. 375 |
Emerentiana |
c. 304 |
Emeterius and Celedonius |
4th century |
Emmelia of Caesarea |
4th century |
Emygdius |
4th century |
Engratia |
4th century |
Epaphroditus |
1st century |
Epenetus of Carthage |
1st century |
Ephrem the Syrian |
373 |
Ephysius |
4th century |
Epicharis (martyr) |
3rd century |
Epiphanius of Pavia |
5th century |
Epiphanius of Salamis |
403 |
Erasmus of Formiae (St. Elmo) |
c. 303 |
Erastus of Paneas |
1st century |
Erbin of Dumnonia |
5th century |
Erc |
5th century |
Eubulus |
4th century |
Eucherius of Lyon |
c. 449 |
Eudocia (martyr) |
100 |
Eudokia of Heliopolis |
2nd century |
Eugenia of Rome |
3rd century |
Eugenios of Trebizond |
4th century |
Eulalia of Barcelona |
4th century |
Eulalia of Mérida |
4th century |
Euphemia |
307 |
Euphrasia of Constantinople |
5th century |
Euphrosyne of Alexandria |
5th century |
Euplius |
4th century |
Eusebius |
309 or 310 |
Eusebius of Rome |
4th century |
Eusebius of Samosata |
4th century |
Eusebius of Vercelli |
371 |
Eusebonas |
5th century |
Eustace |
2nd century |
Eustathius of Antioch |
4th century |
Eustochium |
5th century |
Eustochius |
5th century |
Eustorgius I |
4th century |
Euthalia, Virgin Martyr |
3rd century |
Euthymius the Great |
5th century |
Eutropius |
5th century |
Eutropius of Orange |
5th century |
Eutychian |
283 |
Evaristus |
c. 105 |
Evellius |
1st century |
Evodius |
1st century |
Expeditus |
303 |
Exuperantia |
4th century |
Exuperius (Theban Legion) |
3rd century |
Exuperius |
5th century |
Exuperius and Zoe |
2nd century |
Ezana of Axum |
4th century |
Fabian |
250 |
Fabiola |
399 or 400 |
Faith |
3rd century |
Fausta |
4th century |
Faustinus |
302 or 303 |
Faustinus of Brescia |
4th century |
Faustus of Riez |
5th century |
Faustus, Abibus and Dionysius of Alexandria |
3rd century |
Felician of Foligno |
2nd century |
Felicitas of Rome |
c. 165 |
Felicula |
1st century |
Felinus and Gratian |
3rd century |
Felix and Adauctus |
4th century |
Felix and Costanza |
1st century |
Felix and Regula |
3rd century |
Felix I |
274 |
Felix III |
5th century |
Felix of Como |
4th century |
Felix of Girona |
4th century |
Felix of Nola |
3rd century |
Fermin |
4th century |
Ferreolus and Ferrutio |
3rd century |
Fidelis of Como |
4th century |
Firmilian |
c. 269 |
Firmus and Rusticus |
3rd century |
Flavia Domitilla (saint) |
1st century |
Flavian II of Antioch |
5th century |
Flavian of Constantinople |
5th century |
Flavian of Ricina |
3rd century |
Flavius Clement |
1st century |
Flavius Latinus of Brescia |
2nd century |
Florian |
4th century |
Fortunatus of Casei |
3rd century |
Fortunatus of Spoleto |
4th or 5th century |
Fortunatus the Apostle |
1st century |
Foutin |
2nd century |
Fructuosus of Tarragona |
259 |
Frumentius |
4th century |
Gabinus |
3rd century |
Gaius of Ephesus |
1st century |
Galation |
3rd century |
Gamaliel |
63 |
Gatianus of Tours |
3rd century |
Gaudentius of Brescia |
5th century |
Gaudentius of Rimini |
4th century |
Gaudentius of Novara |
5th century |
Gaudiosus of Naples |
5th century |
Gelasius I |
5th century |
Geminianus |
4th century |
Genesius of Arles |
303 or 308 |
Genesius of Rome |
286 or c. 303 |
George |
303 |
Georgia of Clermont |
5th century |
Gerasimus of the Jordan |
5th century |
Gereon |
3rd century |
Germanicus of Smyrna |
2nd century |
Germanus of Auxerre |
5th century |
Gervasius and Protasius |
c. 170 |
Glyceria |
2nd century |
Glycerius |
5th century |
Glywys |
5th century |
Gobnait |
5th century |
Gordianus and Epimachus |
3rd or 4th century |
Gorgonia |
375 |
Gorgonius |
4th century |
Gregory of Nazianzus |
389 |
Gregory of Nazianzus the Elder |
4th century |
Gregory of Nyssa |
4th or 5th century |
Gregory of Spoleto |
304 |
Gregory Thaumaturgus |
3rd century |
Gregory the Illuminator |
330 |
Gunthiern |
5th century |
Hegesippus |
180 |
Helena of Constantinople |
c. 330 |
Heliodorus of Altino |
4th century |
Heliodorus of Bet Zabdai |
4th century |
Helladius of Auxerre |
4th century |
Heraclas of Alexandria |
3rd century |
Herculanils |
2nd century |
Hermagoras of Aquileia |
1st century |
Hermas of Dalmatia |
1st century |
Hermes |
2nd century |
Hermes of Philippopolis |
1st century |
Hermias |
2nd century |
Hermione of Ephesus |
2nd century |
Herodion of Antioch |
2nd century |
Herodion of Patras |
1st century |
Herta |
303 |
Hierotheos the Thesmothete |
1st century |
Hilarion of Cyprus |
371 |
Hilarius |
5th century |
Hilary of Arles |
5th century |
Hilary of Poitiers |
367 |
Hippolytus |
3rd century |
Hippolytus of Rome |
c. 236 |
Holy Innocents |
6 BC |
Honestus |
3rd century |
Honoratus |
5th century |
Honorina |
4th century |
Hor, Besoy, and Daydara |
4th century |
Hyacinth and Protus |
2nd or 3rd century |
Hyginus |
c. 140 |
Hypatius of Bithynia |
5th century |
Hypatius of Gangra |
4th century |
Ia of Cornwall |
5th century |
Iakovos o Persis (St. James of Persia) |
5th century |
Ibar |
5th century |
Idus of Leinster |
5th century |
Ignatius of Antioch |
c. 98-117 |
Innocent I |
417 |
Irenaeus of Lyons |
202 |
Irenaeus of Sirmium |
3rd century |
Isaac of Armenia |
5th century |
Isaac of Dalmatia |
4th century |
Iserninus |
5th century |
Isidora |
4th century |
Isidore of Alexandria |
5th century |
Isidore of Chios |
3rd century |
Isidore of Pelusium |
5th century |
Jacob of Nisibis |
4th century |
James Intercisus |
5th century |
James, Azadanus and Abdicius |
4th century |
James, son of Alphaeus |
c. 62 |
James, son of Zebedee |
44 |
Januarius |
4th century |
Jason of Tarsus |
1st century |
Jerome |
420 |
Joachim |
1st century |
Joanna |
1st century |
John and Paul |
4th century |
John Cassian |
5th century |
John Chrysostom |
407 |
John of Egypt |
4th century |
John of Senhout |
4th century |
John the Apostle |
1st century |
John the Baptist |
c. 30 |
John the Dwarf |
5th century |
John the Evangelist |
c. 1st century |
Joseph of Arimathea |
1st century |
Joseph of Nazareth |
1st century |
Jude the Apostle |
1st century |
Julia of Corsica |
5th century |
Julian and Basilissa |
4th century |
Julian of Alexandria |
2nd century |
Julian of Antioch |
4th century |
Julian of Le Mans |
3rd century |
Julian of Sora |
2nd century |
Juliana of Nicomedia |
c. 304 |
Julietta |
304 |
Julius and Aaron |
4th century |
Julius I |
352 |
Julius of Novara |
4th century |
Julius the Veteran |
4th century |
Junia |
1st century |
Justa and Rufina |
3rd century |
Justin Martyr |
165 |
Justin of Siponto |
4th century |
Justina of Padua |
4th century |
Justus and Pastor |
3rd or 4th century |
Justus of Alexandria |
2nd century |
Justus of Beauvais |
3rd century |
Justus of Trieste |
4th century |
Juvenal of Benevento |
2nd century |
Juvenal of Narni |
4th century |
Juventinus |
4th century |
Juventius of Pavia |
1st century |
Kalliopi (martyr) |
250 |
Kedron of Alexandria |
2nd century |
Keyne |
5th century |
Kyriaki |
300 |
Landry of Sées |
5th century |
Latuinus |
5th century |
Lawrence of Rome |
258 |
Lazarus |
99 |
Lelia |
5th century |
Leo I |
5th century |
Leo I the Thracian |
5th century |
Leocadia |
4th century |
Leonidas |
3rd century |
Leonides |
3rd century |
Leontine martyrs |
5th century |
Leontius of Autun |
5th century |
Leontius of Caesarea |
4th century |
Leontius of Fréjus |
5th century |
Leontius, Hypatius and Theodulus |
1st century |
Leucius of Brindisi |
2nd century |
Liberalis of Treviso |
4th century |
Liborius of Le Mans |
4th century |
Loman of Trim |
5th century |
Longinus |
1st century |
Lucian of Antioch |
4th century |
Lucian of Beauvais |
3rd century |
Lucifer |
4th century |
Lucius I |
254 |
Lucius of Britain |
2nd century |
Lucius of Cyrene |
1st century |
Lucy and Geminian |
3rd century |
Lucy of Syracuse |
304 |
Luke the Evangelist |
c. 84 |
Luperculus |
3rd century |
Lupicinus of Lyon |
5th century |
Lupus of Troyes |
5th century |
Lydia of Thyatira |
1st century |
Macarius of Alexandria |
4th century |
Macarius of Egypt |
4th century |
Macarius of Jerusalem |
c. 335 |
Macarius the Great |
391 |
Macedonius of Syria |
5th century |
Macrina the Elder |
c. 340 |
Macrina the Younger |
379 |
Maël (saint) |
5th century |
Magnus of Cuneo |
3rd century |
Mambeca |
4th century |
Mamertinus of Auxerre |
5th century |
Mamertus |
5th century |
Mammes of Caesarea |
3rd century |
Mana of Bet-Parsaje |
4th century |
Manahen |
1st century |
Mansuetus |
4th century |
Mar Awgin |
4th century |
Marcella |
5th century |
Marcellina |
398 |
Marcellinus |
304? |
Marcellinus and Peter |
4th century |
Marcellinus of Carthage |
5th century |
Marcellus I |
309 |
Marcellus of Capua |
4th century |
Marcellus of Tangier |
3rd century |
Marcian |
5th century |
Marcian of Tortona |
2nd century |
Marciana of Mauretania |
4th century |
Margaret of Antioch in Pisidia |
304? |
Marina of Aguas Santas |
2nd century |
Marinus |
4th century |
Maris, Martha, Abachum and Audifax |
3rd century |
Mark |
336 |
Mark and Marcellian |
3rd century |
Mark of Apollonias |
1st century |
Mark the Evangelist |
68 |
Markianos of Alexandria |
2nd century |
Marolus |
5th century |
Maron |
410 |
Martha (French) |
5th century |
Martha |
1st century |
Martha, mother of Symeon Stylites the Younger |
1st century |
Martial |
3rd century |
Martin of Tongres |
4th century |
Martin of Tours |
397 |
Martina of Rome |
3rd century |
Martinian and Processus |
1st century |
Martyrs of Abitina |
4th century |
Maruthas |
5th century |
Mary |
1st century |
Mary Magdalene |
1st century |
Mary of Bethany |
1st century |
Mary of Clopas |
1st century |
Mary of Egypt |
c. 421 |
Materiana |
5th century |
Maternus of Cologne |
4th century |
Maternus of Milan |
4th century |
Matthew the Evangelist |
1st century |
Matthias |
80 |
Matthias of Jerusalem |
2nd century |
Maturinus |
c. 300 |
Maughold |
5th century |
Maura and Britta |
4th century |
Maurice |
287 |
Maurus of Parentium |
3rd century |
Maurus, Pantalemon and Sergius |
2nd century |
Maxima of Rome |
4th century |
Maximilian (martyr) |
3rd century |
Maximilian of Lorch |
3rd century |
Maximin of Trier |
4th century |
Maximus of Alexandria |
3rd century |
Maximus of Aveia |
3rd century |
Maximus of Évreux |
4th century |
Maximus of Jerusalem |
4th century |
Maximus of Rome |
3rd century |
Maximus of Salzburg |
5th century |
Maximus of Turin |
5th century |
Mel |
5th century |
Melania the Elder |
410 |
Melania the Younger |
439 |
Meletius of Antioch |
4th century |
Melito of Sardis |
2nd century |
Mellonius |
4th century |
Menas |
309 |
Menodora, Metrodora, and Nymphodora |
4th century |
Mercurialis of Forlì |
4th century |
Mercurius |
3rd century |
Meriasek |
5th century |
Mesrob |
5th century |
Methodius of Olympus |
4th century |
Metrophanes of Byzantium |
4th century |
Miltiades |
314 |
Mirian III of Iberia |
4th century |
Mitre |
5th century |
Mocius |
3rd century |
Modest (Bishop of Trier) |
5th century |
Monica |
4th century |
Monica of Hippo |
387 |
Moses (bishop) |
4th century |
Moses |
Bronze Age |
Moses the Black |
5th century |
Moura |
3rd century |
Munditia |
4th century |
Myrrhbearers |
1st century |
Nabor and Felix |
4th century |
Namatius |
5th century |
Nana of Iberia |
4th century |
Narcissus of Athens |
1st century |
Narcissus of Jerusalem |
c. 222 |
Narcissus, Argeus, and Marcellinus |
4th century |
Narnus |
4th century |
Naucratius |
4th century |
Nectarius of Constantinople |
4th century |
Nereus, Achilleus, Domitilla, and Pancras |
1st century |
Nerses I |
4th century |
Nestor of Magydos |
3rd century |
Nestor of Thessaloniki |
3rd century |
Nicarete |
5th century |
Nicasius of Dijon |
4th century |
Nicasius of Rheims |
5th century |
Nicasius, Quirinus, Scubiculus, and Pientia |
3rd century |
Nicetas of Remesiana |
5th century |
Nicholas |
4th century |
Nicholas of Myra(Santa Claus) |
343 |
Nicodemus |
1st century |
Nilus of Sinai |
5th century |
Nine Saints |
5th century |
Ninian |
432 |
Nino Enlightener of Georgia |
c. 338 or 340 |
Nonna of Nazianzus |
374 |
Novatus |
2nd century |
Odran |
5th century |
Olcán |
5th century |
Oliva of Brescia |
2nd century |
Onesimus |
1st century |
Onesiphorus |
1st century |
Onuphrius |
4th century |
Optatus |
4th century |
Orestes of Cappadocia |
4th century |
Orontius of Lecce |
1st century |
Otimus |
3rd century |
Ovidius |
2nd century |
Pachomius the Great |
348 |
Pacian |
4th century |
Palatias and Laurentia |
4th century |
Palladius of Antioch |
4th century |
Pambo |
4th century |
Pammachius |
5th century |
Pamphilus of Caesarea |
4th century |
Pancras of Rome |
c. 304 |
Pancras of Taormina |
1st century |
Pantaenus |
2nd century |
Pantaleon (Panteleimon) |
303 |
Paphnutius of Thebes |
4th century |
Paphnutius the Ascetic |
4th century |
Papias |
155 |
Papias of Hierapolis |
2nd century |
Papulus |
3rd century |
Paraskevi of Iconium |
3rd century |
Paraskevi of Rome |
2nd century |
Paraskevi the Samaritan |
c. 54-63 |
Parrobus of Pottole |
1st century |
Paternus |
3rd century |
Paternus of Auch |
2nd century |
Patiens |
2nd century |
Patriarch Fravitta of Constantinople |
5th century |
Patrick |
c. 5th century |
Patroclus of Troyes |
3rd century |
Paul |
1st century |
Paul I of Constantinople |
4th century |
Paul of Narbonne |
3rd century |
Paul of Tammah |
4th century |
Paul of Thebes |
345 |
Paul the Apostle |
c. 67 |
Paul the Simple |
4th century |
Paula |
404 |
Paulinus of Nola |
431 |
Paulinus of Trier |
4th century |
Pausilypus |
2nd century |
Pelagia of Tarsus |
4th century |
Pelagius of Constance |
3rd century |
Peregrine (martyr) |
2nd century |
Peregrine of Auxerre |
3rd century |
Peregrinus, Bishop of Terni |
2nd century |
Perpetua and her companions |
c. 210 |
Perpetuus |
5th century |
Peter |
c. 64 |
Peter Chrysologus |
450 |
Peter II of Alexandria |
4th century |
Peter of Alexandria |
311 |
Peter of Alexandria |
4th century |
Peter of Rates |
1st century |
Peter of Sebaste |
391 |
Peter the Hermit of Galatia |
5th century |
Peter the Iberian |
5th century |
Peter, Andrew, Paul, and Denise |
3rd century |
Petronilla |
1st century |
Petronius |
5th century |
Pharmutius |
4th century |
Philastrius |
4th century |
Philemon (New Testament person) |
1st century |
Philemon the actor |
4th century |
Philetus |
2nd century |
Philip of Gortyna |
2nd century |
Philip the Apostle |
c. 80 |
Philip the Evangelist |
1st century |
Philo and Agathopodes |
2nd century |
Philologus of Sinope |
1st century |
Philomena |
c. 4th century |
Philonella |
c. 100 |
Phlegon of Marathon |
1st century |
Phocas |
4th century |
Phocas, Bishop of Sinope |
2nd century |
Phoebe |
1st or 2nd century |
Piatus |
3rd century |
Pierius |
4th century |
Pijimi |
4th century |
Pinytus |
2nd century |
Pionius |
3rd century |
Pishoy |
5th century |
Pistis (Faith) |
2nd century |
Pius I |
2nd century |
Placidus (martyr) |
4th century |
Plautilla |
1st century |
Poimen |
5th century |
Pollio |
3rd century |
Polycarp of Smyrna |
c. 155 |
Polycrates of Ephesus |
2nd century |
Polyeuctus |
3rd century |
Polyxena |
1st century ? |
Pontian |
235 |
Pontianus (martyr) |
2nd century |
Pontius Pilate |
1st century |
Pope Linus |
c. 79 |
Porphyry of Gaza |
420 |
Possidius |
5th century |
Pothinus |
2nd century |
Praxedes |
2nd century |
Primus and Felician |
3rd century |
Prisca |
1st century |
Priscilla and Aquila |
1st century |
Priscus (saint) |
3rd century |
Proclus of Constantinople |
5th century |
Procopius of Scythopolis |
4th century |
Proculus |
320 |
Proculus of Bologna |
4th century |
Proculus of Pozzuoli |
4th century |
Prosdocimus |
1st century |
Prosper of Reggio |
5th century |
Proterius of Alexandria |
5th century |
Ptolemaeus and Lucius |
2nd century |
Publius |
2nd century |
Pudentiana |
2nd century |
Pulcheria |
5th century |
Pusai |
4th century |
Quadratus (martyr) |
4th century |
Quadratus of Athens |
2nd century |
Quartus of Berytus |
1st century |
Quentin |
287 |
Quintus of Phrygia |
285 |
Quiricus |
304 |
Quirinus of Neuss |
2nd century |
Quirinus of Rome |
303 |
Quirinus of Sescia |
4th century |
Quiteria |
5th century |
Quodvultdeus |
c. 450 |
Rais |
4th century |
Rajden the First-Martyr |
5th century |
Rasyphus and Ravennus |
5th century |
Regina |
286 |
Reginos |
4th century |
Regulus |
4th century |
Renatus |
5th century |
Reparata |
3rd century |
Restituta |
3rd century |
Rhipsime |
3rd century |
Romanus of Blaye |
4th century |
Romanus of Caesarea |
4th century |
Romanus of Condat |
5th century |
Romanus of Samosata |
3rd century |
Romanus of Subiaco |
3rd century |
Romanus Ostiarius |
3rd century |
Romedius |
4th century |
Romulus (martyr) |
2nd century |
Romulus of Fiesole |
4th century |
Rufina and Secunda |
3rd century |
Rufinus of Assisi |
3rd century ? |
Rufus and Carpophorus |
3rd or 4th century |
Rufus and Zosimus |
2nd century |
Rufus of Metz |
4th century |
Rufus of Thebes |
1st century |
Rusticus of Narbonne |
5th century |
Sabbas Stratelates |
3rd century |
Sabbas the Goth |
373 |
Sabina |
2nd century |
Sabinian of Troyes |
3rd century |
Sabinus |
4th century |
Sabinus of Hermopolis |
3rd century |
Sagar of Laodicea |
2nd century |
Saizana |
4th century |
Salomon of Cornwall |
5th century |
Salonius |
5th century |
Santi Quattro Coronati |
4th century |
Sapor of Bet-Nicator |
4th century |
Sarah |
1st century |
Sarah of the Desert |
5th century |
Sarah the Martyr |
c. 304 |
Sarbel and Barbe |
2nd century |
Saturnin |
3rd century |
Saturninus of Cagliari |
4th century |
Satyrus of Arezzo |
4th century |
Satyrus of Milan |
4th century |
Savina of Milan |
4th century |
Savinian and Potentian |
4th century |
Scillitan Martyrs |
2nd century |
Seachnaill |
5th century |
Sebastian |
287 |
Secundian, Marcellian and Verian |
3rd century |
Secundus of Asti |
2nd century |
Sennen |
3rd century |
Serapia |
2nd century |
Serapion of Antioch |
211 |
Serapion Scholasticus |
c. 350 |
Serenus the Gardener |
4th century |
Sergius |
c. 303 |
Sergius of Cappadocia |
4th century |
Servandus and Cermanus |
4th century |
Servatius |
c. 384 |
Severin of Cologne |
4th century |
Severinus of Noricum |
5th century |
Severinus, Exuperius, and Felician |
2nd century |
Severus of Barcelona |
4th century |
Severus of Naples |
5th century |
Shenouda the Archimandrite |
5th century |
Shushanik |
5th century |
Sidonius Apollinaris |
5th century |
Silas |
50 |
Silvanus of the Seventy |
1st century |
Simeon Barsabae |
4th century |
Simeon of Jerusalem |
2nd century |
Simeon Stylites |
5th century |
Simeon the Holy Fool |
4th century |
Simeon the Righteous |
c. 1st century |
Simon of Bet-Titta |
5th century |
Simon of Cyrene |
1st century |
Simon the Zealot |
1st century |
Simplician |
4th century |
Simplicius |
302 or 303 |
Simplicius |
5th century |
Simplicius, Constantius and Victorinus |
2nd century |
Siricius |
399 |
Sixtus I |
126 or 128 |
Sixtus II |
258 |
Sixtus III |
440 |
Solutor |
3rd century |
Sophia (Wisdom) |
2nd century ? |
Sophia of Rome |
4th century |
Sophia the Martyr |
2nd century |
Sosipater of Iconium |
1st century |
Sossius |
3rd century |
Sosthenes |
1st century |
Soter |
c. 174 |
Speusippus, Eleusippus and Melapsippus |
2nd century |
Spyridon of Trimythous |
348 |
Stachys the Apostle |
1st century |
Stephanie |
2nd century |
Stephen |
c. 35 |
Stephen I |
257 |
Susanna |
1st century |
Sylvester I |
335 |
Symphorian and Timotheus |
2nd & 4th century |
Symphorosa |
2nd century |
Syrus of Genoa |
4th century |
Syrus of Pavia |
1st century |
Tallanus |
5th century |
Tarcisius |
3rd century |
Tassac |
5th century |
Tatiana of Rome |
c. 226-235 |
Taurinus |
5th century |
Tegulus |
3rd century |
Telemachus |
5th century |
Telesphorus |
c. 137 |
Ten thousand martyrs |
4th century |
Terentian |
2nd century |
Terenzio of Pesaro |
c. 250 |
Tertius of Iconium |
1st century |
Thalassius of Syria |
5th century |
Thamel (martyr) |
2nd century |
Theban Legion |
3rd century |
Thecla of Iconium |
c. 1st century |
Theoclia |
4th century |
Theodora (Roman martyr) |
2nd century |
Theodora and Didymus |
3rd or 4th century |
Theodore and Pausilippus |
2nd century |
Theodore of Amasea |
306 |
Theodore of Egypt |
5th century |
Theodore Stratelates |
4th century |
Theodoret of Antioch |
4th century |
Theodorus of Tabennese |
4th century |
Theodotus of Ancyra (bishop) |
5th century |
Theodotus of Ancyra (martyr) |
4th century |
Theonistus |
5th century |
Theophilus of Alexandria |
5th century |
Theophilus of Antioch |
2nd century |
Theophilus, bishop of Caesarea |
2nd century |
Theosebia |
4th century |
Theotimos |
5th century |
Thomas the Apostle |
c. 72 |
Thraseas |
2nd century |
Thyrsus |
3rd century |
Tiburtius and Susanna |
3rd century |
Timothy I of Alexandria |
4th century |
Timothy the Apostle |
c. 80 |
Tiridates III of Armenia |
4th century |
Titus (Companion of Paul) |
c. 107 |
Torquatus of Acci |
1st century |
Trifon |
3rd century |
Trofimena |
3rd century |
Trophimus of Arles |
3rd century |
Tryphon |
c. 248 |
Turibius of Astorga |
5th century |
Tychicus |
1st century |
Tychicus of Chalcedon |
1st century |
Tydfil |
5th century |
Typasius |
4th century |
Urban I |
230 |
Urban of Langres |
4th century |
Urban of Macedonia |
1st century |
Urpasian |
2nd century |
Urpasianus |
4th century |
Ursicinus of Brescia |
347 |
Ursicinus of Ravenna |
c. 67 |
Ursinus of Bourges |
3rd century |
Ursula |
383? |
Ursus of Solothurn |
3rd century |
Valentine |
3rd century |
Valerian of Abbenza |
5th century |
Valerius and Rufinus |
3rd century |
Valerius of Saragossa |
4th century |
Valerius of Trèves |
4th century |
Vartan Mamigonian |
451 |
Varus |
4th century |
Vasilissa, Martyr |
4th century |
Venantius of Camerino |
3rd century |
Venerius of Milan |
5th century |
Veronica |
1st century ? |
Viator of Bergamo |
4th century |
Viator of Lyons |
4th century |
Vibiana |
3rd century |
Victor I |
199 |
Victor Maurus |
3rd or 4th century |
Victor of Damascus |
2nd century |
Victor of Marseilles |
3rd century |
Victor of Turin |
5th century |
Victoria |
304 |
Victoria of Albitina |
4th century |
Victoria, Anatolia, and Audax |
3rd or 4th century |
Victorian, Frumentius and Companions |
5th century |
Victoricus, Fuscian, and Gentian |
3rd century |
Victorinus of Pettau |
4th century |
Victricius |
5th century |
Vigilius of Trent |
5th century |
Viktor of Xanten |
3rd century |
Vincenca |
3rd century |
Vincent of Lérins |
445 |
Vincent of Saragossa |
304 |
Vincent, Orontius, and Victor |
4th century |
Vitalis and Agricola |
4th century |
Vitus |
303 |
Volusianus of Tours |
5th century |
Xanthippe |
1st century ? |
Xenia the Righteous of Rome |
5th century |
Zacchaeus of Jerusalem |
2nd century |
Zachary, Bishop of Vienne |
2nd century |
Zamudas of Jerusalem |
3rd century |
Zanitas and Lazarus of Persia |
4th century |
Zechariah |
1st century |
Zenaida |
1st century |
Zeno of Verona |
371 or 380 |
Zeno the Hermit |
5th century |
Zenobius of Florence |
417 |
Zephyrinus |
217 |
Zoe of Rome |
c. 286 |
Zoilus |
304 |
Zosimus (martyr) |
2nd century |
Zosimus |
418 |
Zosimus the Hermit |
3rd century |